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Master of Business Administration | Masterdegree e-learning

Master of Business




Originating Institution(s) London Examinations Board
Awarding Body TQUK and London Examinations Board
Duration 6 months – 12 months
Award to be conferred Diploma in Business Administration


This Diploma is designed to provide a broad understanding and application of business administration to equip learners who are keen to take up employment in the business sector. Those who are already working in the business sector can also benefit from enhanced knowledge and skills in addition to a recognized qualification.

Programme Learning Outcomes


Upon completion of this programme, learners will be able to:

  1. Use self-assessment, reflection, evaluation, feedback and developments in theory and evidence-based practice to improve their ethical business practice in a variety of contexts.
  2. Apply a deep understanding of relevant theory and practices to predict outcomes and create business solutions in complex environment.
  3. Communicate key issues effectively and creatively using numerical, graphical, oral and written skills.
  4. Behave, lead and govern organisations in an ethical manner.
  5. Setting strategy, direction and vision, providing a clear sense of purpose and driving strategic intent for an organisation.
  6. Cultivating an innovative, entrepreneurial and supporting corporate culture to deliver business performance including sustained competitive advantage

Programme & Curriculum Structure


In designing this programme, the prior qualifications and corporate experiences of participants are taken into consideration in order to ensure a programme which builds on their prior knowledge and skills.

The MBA has a total of 90 ECTS credits and comprises of 6 taught modules at 10 ECTS credits each and a Work Based Project at 30 ECTS credits. The modules are:

1 Cross-Cultural Management (10 ECTS)
2 Strategic Management (10 ECTS)
3 Strategic Human Resource (10 ECTS)
4 Corporate Governance, Ethics and CSR (10 ECTS)
5 Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship (10 ECTS)
6 Leading Change (10 ECTS)
7 Work Based Project (30 ECTS)

Students have a choice of gaining an MBA with specialism in the following:

1. MBA
2. MBA (Hospitality Management)
3. MBA (Marketing)
4. MBA (Finance)
5. MBA (Blockchain Management)
6. MBA (Talent Management)

All students will undertake the 6 common core modules and in order to be eligible to gain the MBA specialism award, the following conditions must be met:

  • Undertake an area of research in the chosen specialism for the Work Based Project

For specialism in Hospitality Management, Finance, and Blockchain Management candidates must demonstrate either

a) RPEL through working experience in those field(s) at a supervisory-managerial level with a minimum of 3 years working experience;or

b) APL through formal certificated learning in the above specialism. Students are expected to have covered core knowledge as pre requisites to enable a more extensive and in-depth research and applications when undertaking the Work Based Project in their respective specialism.

Delivery mode


Blended Delivery Mode

  • Self-Instructional Learning Material

    Students are given a complete set of learning materials to facilitate independent study which can be downloaded from the designated Learning Portal.

  • Face to Face Tutorial
    Face-to-Face classes conducted at Axon Consultancy’s hybrid classroom at 12hours per module. Candidates who are away from Kuala Lumpur can participant class discussions simultaneously while classes are being delivered via online video conferencing system.
  • Online Discussion

    Learners are encouraged to participate in online discussions with other learners and their tutors for at least 18 hours per module.

Fully Online Mode

  • Self-Instructional Learning Material
    Students are given a complete set of learning materials to facilitate independent study which can be downloaded from the designated Learning Portal.
  • Online Discussion
    Learners are encouraged to participate in online discussions with other learners and their tutors for at least 18 hours per module.




The aim of the assessment strategy is to identify formal practices and procedures for assessing and appraising the performance of the MBA students in order those judgments and decisions can be reached concerning:

  • The progression of students through the programme.
  • How students have met the programme learning outcomes through a combination of the individual module learning outcomes.
  • The provision of feedback information to students concerning their performance and how they adhered to the generic assessment criteria and the module-specific assessment criteria.
  • The award of Cycle 2 level credits for individual modules.

The underpinning principles which drive the assessment strategies adopted for this programme are the profile of the target students and the programme itself (its philosophy and associated learning outcomes). Assessment will normally be based on the student successfully demonstrating achievement of an appropriate combination of the following criteria which are aligned to the descriptors for Cycle 2 Master degree qualifications:

  1. A systematic understanding of a substantial body of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study, or area of professional practice;
  2. A comprehensive understanding of methods and techniques applicable to the practical work-based management issues which require solutions and improvements;
  3. Originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of established principles and practices identify and solve management problems;
  4. The ability to evaluate and criticise received opinion;
  5. The ability to make reasoned judgements whilst understanding the limitations on judgements made in the absence of complete data; and
  6. The ability to communicate the results of the programme of research as demonstrated in the style and overall presentation in a professional manner.
  7. The ability to reflect and use meta learning as a tool and process to enhance and develop his or her knowledge acquisition, competencies-skills as well as appropriate behavioural changes and development to function as an effective and ethically driven business manager and leader.

Assessment Instruments

There are 2 main Assessment Instruments as follows:

1) End Point Assessment via Professional Development Portfolio

Students will be required to document a professional development portfolio which is a record of goals, knowledge acquisition and growth, achievement and professional attributes developed over time and in collaboration with others in the workplace / organisation. It will consist of a reflective log with appendices consisting of collection of relevant artefacts to support achievement of goals, knowledge, behaviours and attributes aligned to the 6 modules which are taught in the programme.

Students are strongly recommended to commence undertaking the above at the beginning of the commencement to the end of the last taught module on the programme and to submit the completed portfolio no later than 2 months on completion of the 6 taught modules.

2) The Work-Based Project

Students would be required to identify an issue or issues on a particular management challenges or issues in their own organisation or industry, or one with which they are familiar. Students are required to: (i) identify the process, issue or problem; (ii) critically analyse and discuss them; and (iii) have a conclusion and recommendations for a strategy or strategies with a programme of action or actions. Their work must be backed by clearly reasoned arguments and include appropriate application of various appropriate management techniques, practices or tools taught in the programme comprising the 6 taught modules as appropriately chosen to be used in the work based project.


Student’s work should demonstrate that you have achieved the prescribed outcomes.
These are as follows:

Critically evaluate, and make recommendations for organisational development relating to a theme/issue impacting the participant’s organisation.

Design, develop, apply and evaluate practically sound business assessment/ evaluation and subsequent solutions to resolve real company business and management challenges.

Critically evaluate the theme/issue impacting on business organisation or business unit drawing upon and developing concepts, models and theories to demonstrate innovative thinking and informed and justifiable and feasible solutions.

Present findings through written presentations appropriate to the management audiences.

Generic Grading Scale



Mark RangeGradeClassificationDescription
70% and aboveADistinctionAn outstanding piece of work incorporating and integrating both original and secondary sources with a high standard of presentation. The work addresses the brief as set in full. A creative response demonstrating a thorough understanding, analysis and judgment of the central issues. There is extensive coverage balanced with careful selection and organisation of material. There is substantial evidence of relevant wider reading, which is accurately referenced following the Harvard Referencing Style.
60% – 69%BMeritA good response to the assignment, well-structured and presented incorporating relevant information. The work addresses the brief as set in full. In-depth understanding of salient issues and evidence of wide reading, which is accurately referenced following the Harvard Referencing Style. Extensive analytical coverage with confident and balanced selection and organisation of material. May however lack synergy in places with some important ideas not being fully explored.
50% – 59%CPassAn acceptable answer that covers the majority of the key issues but may not be sufficiently complete to develop a full understanding of the situation. The brief has been addressed, although some area might not be as fully developed as others. Consideration of the academic underpinning and practical application of material may be limited, perhaps providing only partial consideration of the issues. The analysis is generally adequate but may be overly descriptive in places, lacking critical analysis and displaying limited evidence of the application of wider reading. Material is referenced in an adequate fashion, although some of the detail might be incorrect.
< 50%DFailWork contains errors, omissions or poorly expressed ideas; in some cases these omissions may be fundamental. The assessment brief is not addressed to a material extent, either as a whole or in significant dimensions. Lacks an adequate theoretical and conceptual base thereby failing to identify the key issues and possibly demonstrating a basic misunderstanding of the brief. The structure is not always clear possibly due to the student’s own lack of understanding. There is no clear line of argument, with passages not being adequately linked and explained. There is little or no evidence of wider reading. Sources used are inappropriate or are poorly referenced.

Final Award Grades, Graded Point Average and Final Award Classifications


Requirements for the Master of Business Administration

Unless exempted or APL, in order to be awarded the Master of Business Administration degree, the student must successfully complete all the specified criteria for the 6 taught modules and passed the End Point Assessment and the Work Based Project totalling 90 ECTS credits.


6.2         Grades and Final Award Classifications

The Table below sets out the classification bands will apply to the MBA.

Marks Module Grade Classification
70-100 Distinction
60-69 Merit
50-59 Pass
49-0 Fail


MBA Degree Classfications


Degree Classification Final Grade Classification
First Class Honours 70% or above aggregate
Second Class Honours, Upper Division 60% – 69% aggregate
Second Class Honours, Lower Division 50% – 59% aggregate
Fail Below 50%


MBA with Distinction

The MBA with Distinction may be awarded to candidates of exceptional merit. In order for the Board of Examiners to consider making the award, a student will be required to:

(a) Pass all the modules of the MBA stage at the first attempt and

(b) Achieve an average mark of 70% or above across all modules and the Work Based Project



Students are expected to take ownership of their learning and development and be a more independent learner and develop the ability to search and peruse relevant information and knowledge through non electronic and electronic sources

Online Learning, case analysis and self-directed learning resources will be available to support the delivery and attainment of the intended learning outcomes.

The programme will, therefore, “progress significantly beyond the delivery of subject knowledge” and will incorporate knowledge and learning, discourse and informed dialogue, and self-development. It should be noted that the focus will be on facilitating learning rather than teaching and, in this respect, the strategy is designed to facilitate the “deep learning” attributed to a more active participation and self-exploration and discovery of knowledge by students.

Cross Cultural Management

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this unit, learners will be able to:

  1. Demostrate a detailed understanding on the issues faced by managers working in a different culture and apply appropriate principles in managing different cultures correctly.
  2. Identify different international culture tantamount to affecting management practices effectively.
  3. Acquire the necessary skills and understanding of different cultural characteristics of cou8ntries for a better management across different cultures analytically.

Indicative Contents

  • Cross-cultural Management: Introduction and Overview
  • Cultural Orientation
  • Understanding Other Cultures
  • Communicating Across Cultures: Differences in Communication Styles
  • Work Behaviour Across Cultures
  • Cultura Differences in Organization
  • Culture and Negotiating
  • Cross-cultural Leadership: Differences in Leadership Styles
  • Cross-Cultural Motivation.


Strategic Management

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this unit, learners will be able to:

  1. Apply the appropriate models, techniques and theories to produce an environmental audit of the external and internal environment for an organisation; and

  2. Critically analyse and evaluate the alternative strategic directions an organisation may consider to employ and propose the most appropriate strategic option for execution in response to changing internal and external driving forces which impact sustained competitive advantage for an organisation.

Indicative Contents

  • The Concept of Strategy and how it benefits the organization vision, mission and objectives.
  • Transformation of the external strategic environment including customers, the markets and the consequences and the influence of the internal environment on current practice.
  • Key Strategic Techniques for Analysis.
  • Strategic Development namely Acquisitions and Mergers, Joint ventures and Alliances, and Divestment.
  • Strategy Implementation.
  • Strategic Performance Analysis.


Strategic Human Resource

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this unit, learners will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding that to engage successfully in processes of human resource management, their thinking needs to go beyond such dualisms as thinking and acting, structure and culture, strategy and implementation, and see each of these as different facets of unified processes in human and organisational life.
  2. Analyse and evaluate the choices presented in approaches to human resource management practices and how these relate to the overall strategic way an organisation handles its changing environment and the range of stakeholders with which it deals.
  3. Knowledge of organisational/team dynamics and how to build engagement and develop high performance, agile and collaborative cultures and teams.
  4. Understands approaches to strategic workforce planning including talent management, learning organisations, workforce design, succession planning, diversity and inclusion.

Indicative Contents

  • Essence and alignment of organisational strategy and human resource strategy.
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) roles in structures, culture and policy as well as strategic Human Resource (HR) partnership and alliance.
  • The workplace diversity, inclusion and relations.
  • Team dynamics, building engagement and develop high performance, agile and collaborative cultures.
  • Strategic workforce planning.
  • Talent management and succession planning
  • Workforce design
  • Learning organisations workforce development.


Corporate Governance, Ethics and CSR

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this unit, learners will be able to:

  1. Understand the fundamentals of ethical philosophy and apply moral reasoning to business decision-making.
  2. Articulate the relationship between ethics, governance, the law and corporate social responsibility.
  3. Critically evaluate the key concepts relating to CSR, as well as the opportunities, limitations and challenges its implementation places upon businesses and their employees and key stakeholders.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of the development of corporate governance to meet public concern in relation to management of companies.

Indicative Contents

  1. An overview of corporate governance
  2. Corporate governance concepts and theories
    – Stewardship theory
    – Agency theory
    – Stakeholder theory
    – Corporate control
  3. The role of the regulatory framework Legislation
    – Financial reporting
    – Audit
  4. The Board of Directors
    – Who controls the board
    – The role of the non-executive director
    – Board committees
  5. Ethics Resource Management
    – External ethics resources
    – Internal ethics resources
  6. Employers and Employees
    – Whistle blowing
    – Employee rights
    – Employee privacy
  7. Globalisation and Human Rights
    – Cultural Conflicts
    – Working conditions and child labour
    – Infringement of patents and copyrights
  8. Customers
    – Consumer rights – including privacy rights
    – Advertising
  9. CSR- Environmental Issues
    – The international aspect – exporting
    – Pollution Environmental regulation.


Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this unit, learners will be able to:

  1. Examine the processes by which innovation is fostered, managed, and commercialized.
  2. Effectively and efficiently evaluate the potential of new business opportunities.
  3. Assess the market potential for a new venture, including customer need, competitors, and industry attractiveness.
  4. Develop a business model for a new venture, including revenue, margins, operations, working capital, and investment.
  5. Write a clear, concise, and compelling business plan for a new venture.

Indicative Contents

  • Entrepreneurial Thinking
  • Innovation Management
  • Opportunity Spotting and Evaluation
  • Industry and Market Analysis
  • Strategy and Business Models
  • Financial Forecasting
  • Business Plan
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • New Venture Creation.


Leading Change

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this unit, learners will be able to:

  1. Analyse a strategic context of an organisation and envision necessary directions and change activities;
  2. Evaluate and select appropriate processes or actions for developing the potential of managers and employees for engaging in critical and strategic thinking related to change management (e.g. involvement in decision making, empowerment, information, concern etc.); and
  3. Evaluate opportunities and strategies for developing partnerships with other organisations to achieve strategic goals.
  4. Evaluate Leadership skills and attributes required to lead organizational change

Indicative Contents

  • Shaping an organisation for strategic change.
  • Change models and theories.
  • Leadership of change at multiple levels of the organisation.
  • Empowerment of managers.
  • Developing receptiveness to reform and innovation.
  • Handling conflict during strategic changes.
  • Networking and partnerships.
  • Ethical leadership behaviour and attributes to lead organizational change.


Entry Requirements


An applicant may be admitted on the basis of evidence to suggest that he/she will be able to fulfil and benefit from the objectives of the programme and achieve the standard required for the award. Criteria used in considering admissions to the programme include, candidates’ language proficiency, working experience, academic and professional qualifications.

(a) A Bachelor’s Degree qualification in any subject from a recognised institution; OR
(b) A professional qualification equivalent to a degree and a minimum of two years of working experience; OR
(c) Mature and high potential candidates without degree or equivalent qualifications but hold Diplomas or Advanced Diplomas with more than six years of work experience of which at least two years are at supervisory / managerial level; OR
(d) Mature and high potential candidates without Diploma qualifications but with more than eight years of work experience of which at least three years are at supervisory /managerial levels.


Demonstrate English Language proficiency in order to participate in the programme taught in English.

Proficiency of English include either a recognised English proficiency testing score of IELTS overall band of 5.5 or equivalent. Those having undertaken either an undergraduate or professional qualification taught and assessed in English will also be accepted as having met the English proficiency.