London Examinations Board is registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers (number 10043715), registered and approved by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (an executive agency of the government of the United Kingdom sponsored by the Department for Education) and approved and listed on UK the register of apprenticeship training providers. Their headquarters is in Hertfordshire, England and they also have an Asia regional office.
London Examinations Board has developed pathways for its programmes with universities in the UK, Australia, France and Malaysia to offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees:
- The University of the West of Scotland, UK
- Horizons University, France
- Buckinghamshire New University, UK
- Murdoch University, Australia
- North Borneo University College, Malaysia
London Examinations Board has developed pathways for its programmes with universities in the UK, Australia, France and Malaysia to offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees:
- The University of the West of Scotland, UK
- Horizons University, France
- Buckinghamshire New University, UK
- Murdoch University, Australia
- North Borneo University College, Malaysia
London Examinations Board is a distance learning provider, but recognises that not everyone is comfortable with distance learning. Therefore, London Examinations Board works with the local institutions to help deliver the programmes by providing local support and additional face to face classes as appropriate. All learners will have everything they need to successfully complete the programme by accessing the London Examinations Board online learning platform. However, as a local learning centre we will provide some face to face tutoring and other support.
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